Ganten? The controversial water.

In the 2018 Australian Open many viewers and supporters were surprised by a random logo appearing on umpires chairs and advertised throughout. This brand was “Ganten” a mineral water Giant from Shenzhen, China.

I believe myself to be quite familiar with major brands around the world, especially Australian icons such as: Vegemite, Weet-bix and even Foster’s. However, this years Australian Open challenged this through the major water sponsor “Ganten”. My first thought was “What is that, what do they sell?” followed by “Why are we selling Chinese water at the AUSTRALIAN Open?” So I decided to delve deeper and do some research on Ganten.

Very little can be found online about Ganten apart from its origins in Shenzhen, China and their signing of Juventis FC as major 316407_246094865440630_246088385441278_737161_2046874553_nsponsors. They are already hugely successful in China and have started to spread their growth into international markets.

Personally I believe that in order for Ganten to surge in popularity they should increase their Digital presence. Firstly, their social media presence is abysmal, a quick search on Facebook and Twitter doesn’t show any results. Furthermore a search on Google barely shows any brand owned marketing content, it is all slander from the Australia Open controversy. If Ganten is truly pursuing an international expansion and market penetration, they need to recognize the importance of having a strong Digital Media presence otherwise “How will millennial’s know what a Ganten is?”


Thank you for reading!



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