Melb SC, Have you heard of it?

Unless you are Chinese, you most likely have not heard of Melb SC. However, you have most likely seen delivery drivers in Yellow all over the city. It is essentially the Chinese version of UBER Eats with a few key differences.  While UBER Eats have dominated the food delivery market in the past few years, Melb SC … Continue reading Melb SC, Have you heard of it?

Ganten? The controversial water.

In the 2018 Australian Open many viewers and supporters were surprised by a random logo appearing on umpires chairs and advertised throughout. This brand was "Ganten" a mineral water Giant from Shenzhen, China. I believe myself to be quite familiar with major brands around the world, especially Australian icons such as: Vegemite, Weet-bix and even Foster's. … Continue reading Ganten? The controversial water.

Charity Water. Successfully Implementing Email Marketing

Continuing on about digital marketing campaigns and how they have been successful, I have found the perfect example of an Email Marketing Success: Charity Water. In 2012, Charity Water was faced with a challenge. They had been weary of tiring out their supporters with email spam and didn't want to annoy them. Essentially they needed a … Continue reading Charity Water. Successfully Implementing Email Marketing

Greenpeace and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a necessity in this day and age where individuals use search engines to look for everything. From “Closest Petrol Station” to “Daily News” people search for everything online. While Greenpeace is a not-for-profit organisation, they still benefit from the use of SEO. Zhang and Cabage (2017) recognize the importance of … Continue reading Greenpeace and Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Greenpeace and their Digital Marketing Strategies

Inspired by the research I have done on Greenpeace and their campaigns, I thought I would delve deeper into their successful implementation of Digital Marketing strategy. I hope to analyse their techniques over my next few posts. How can organisation can create customer experiences in order to capture value? Greenpeace in particular, create memorable experiences … Continue reading Greenpeace and their Digital Marketing Strategies

Is Digital Marketing more than just selling products?

When we think of Digital Marketing, often the first thing that pops into mind is advertising. We think of companies like Apple and Coca Cola, spending millions of dollars just to remind us daily of their existence. But Digital Marketing is so much more than just generating sales. In May 2017, Greenpeace Philippines launched a … Continue reading Is Digital Marketing more than just selling products?

Is Digital Marketing a Necessity for Competitiveness?

Competitiveness is a term that all businessmen and women hear thousands of times when reviewing their success. But why is it so important? Does competitiveness define and shape a companies present and future?  The term "competitiveness" is typically associated with the economic concept of having a certain edge over your competitors on both a macro … Continue reading Is Digital Marketing a Necessity for Competitiveness?

Are Millennial’s Immune To Marketing?

Tech savvy millennial's are the future of marketing. As the Baby Boomers get older and Gen Y increases its dominance in markets do marketers need to develop and grow in order to stay ahead of the every changing preferences of Millennial's? According to surveys done by McCrindle, Millennial's young and old make up a whopping … Continue reading Are Millennial’s Immune To Marketing?

Traditional Marketing Vs. Digital Marketing. Who reigns supreme?

As we have already entered a digital age where almost everything can be done online, it is only natural for Digital Marketing to take over from Traditional Marketing, is it not? Firstly lets delve into Traditional Marketing a bit. Traditional Marketing refers to techniques used by companies to advertise or campaign. It has a proven … Continue reading Traditional Marketing Vs. Digital Marketing. Who reigns supreme?