Is Digital Marketing more than just selling products?

When we think of Digital Marketing, often the first thing that pops into mind is advertising. We think of companies like Apple and Coca Cola, spending millions of dollars just to remind us daily of their existence. But Digital Marketing is so much more than just generating sales.

Dead whale

In May 2017, Greenpeace Philippines launched a campaign in order to draw attention to the plastic problem us humans have created. This fake “dead whale” was an art project created by Biboy Royong who was inspired by a 38-foot sperm whale washed ashore. The campaign was extremely successful it won multiple media and digital rewards.

This project allows us to understand the power behind Digital Marketing, not just as a “selling tool for goods and services”. Rather, Digital Marketing can be used to sell ideas and create an emotional connection between public and the issues being addressed. whale-installation-greenpeace2.jpgThrough the use of social media, Greenpeace Philippines brought attention to their project that otherwise would never have been possible through traditional avenues.

Reflecting upon the power of Digital Marketing, we can see its benefits affecting not only large companies selling goods, but also important messages being delivered effectively and efficiently to a wider audience.




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3 thoughts on “Is Digital Marketing more than just selling products?

  1. I think digital marketing is also very helpful for non-profit organizations. As far as I know, the Australian Red Cross will also use digital marketing to increase people’s enthusiasm for blood donation.

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    1. Hi Joris, Thanks for the question.

      I think Digital Marketing in this case differs from “regular” marketing in the sense that while regular marketing avenues such as newspapers, TV advertisements and radio can bring a lot of attention to these campaigns the scale of the audience is more limited. In comparison to Digital Marketing which is not limited to a specific local area in this case the province of Cavite. Local newspapers and perhaps TV coverage would not reach the global audience which Digital Marketing can. I think in this case Digital Marketing allowed Greenpeace to target audiences that otherwise would never have been reached.


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