Is Digital Marketing a Necessity for Competitiveness?

Competitiveness is a term that all businessmen and women hear thousands of times when reviewing their success. But why is it so important? Does competitiveness define and shape a companies present and future? 

The term “competitiveness” is typically associated with the economic concept of having a certain edge over your competitors on both a macro and micro level. But how does Digital Marketing intertwine with competitiveness? As we are fully enveloped in a digital age; where consumer’s are able to do almost everything online, it is easy to see the connection between a business succeeding, and a strong Digital presence. borders-store-closing-1024x776

A prime example of lagging innovation is Borders book stores. In late 2011 Borders Book store, whose origins can be traced back as far as 1853, officially closed its doors. The once second largest bookstore in the world was a victim to managements failure to become Digitally competitive. The market was slowly shifting towards an eCommerce oriented market where customers preferred to purchase books, music and DVD’s online. Borders failed to recognize this rise, unlike it’s competitors, and failed to stay ahead of the trend. Their Digital Marketing platforms were virtually non-existent until it was too late. Borders main competitors Amazon and Barnes & Noble were leaps and bounds ahead in terms of their digital presence.

On the other side of the spectrum, Apple. A tech juggernaut whose products have propelled it into one of the most influential companies in the world. iphone-x-waterproof-920x490Their Digital Marketing team has adopted a strategy designed to elevate their products from replaceable tangible goods, to extensions of peoples lives; something that is a piece of them, something that expresses who they are. This has enabled them to become one of if not the most competitive company in the world, achieving the title of the worlds leading brand, trumping both Coca Cola and Google.

Just grazing the tip of the iceberg on companies that have failed and companies that are leading innovation it is easy to see the importance of Digital Marketing and the influence it has on company competitiveness.



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One thought on “Is Digital Marketing a Necessity for Competitiveness?

  1. There is no doubt that digitization is definitely the trend of the future, which can be seen in the success of Apple and the failure of Nokia. Because people’s dependence on digitalization is getting stronger in the future, marketing should be better in combining with digitalization.


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